Erin Rodoni is the author of Body, in Good Light (Sixteen Rivers Press, 2017) and A Landscape for Loss (NFSPS Press, 2017), which was selected by Tony Barnstone as the winner of the 2016 Stevens Award sponsored by the National Federation of State Poetry Societies. Her third collection, And if the Woods Carry You, won the 2020 Southern Indiana Review Michael Waters Poetry Prize, and is forthcoming in fall 2021. Her poems have been published in Best New Poets 2014, Blackbird, Colorado Review, Poetry Northwest, The Adroit Journal, and Verse Daily, among others. She has also been honored with awards from AWP, Ninth Letter, and The Montreal International Poetry Prize.
Erin was born and raised in Point Reyes, CA, and holds a BA from UC Berkeley and an MFA from San Diego State. She teaches at the Writing Salon in San Francisco and serves on the board of the Marin Poetry Center. She lives in San Rafael, CA, with her husband and two young daughters.